Wednesday, January 6, 2016

String Art #2

Let's be honest here, I acted like I was going to start a blog and keep up with it and that did not happen. It was really a missed opportunity. But every day I get notifications from Pinterest that my post about the string art elephant it getting repinned. So I figured I should post the California piece I made after, months ago. 
This one did not get as many pictures. But for anyone interested this is the template I used. I also pulled a heart outline off google because I knew I would never draw one good enough.
I got it just the right size (yes it did take a few tries) and placed it on the wood and started adding the nails. Unlike the elephant I did not prespace my dots. I added the heart over my home area, the bay, which would have been the hardest piece to conquer if i did not! This project is so great because you could do it for any state with the heart placed where you're from!

I really wish I had taken more picture of the process but feel free to comment with any questions you may have!